Everything you always wanted to know about genes, or why does it matter who wins elections

This paper is a synthesis and a pitch. It offers a fusion of the author’s three decades of professional learning, offering snippets from her training as an applied geneticist, from her fifteen academic years of research and teaching, and from her decade of converting science into digestible parcels, including for policy makers. 

Strengthening Public Health Across the European Union

Ahead of the 2024 European Parliamentary elections, EPHA has identified five key priorities to keep health high on the political agenda, advance public health for all, and promote more resilient and equitable public health systems across the European Union.

EPHA renews its call on the international community to stop the conflict and protect the health of all people

EPHA is shocked by yet another humanitarian and health crisis in the region, and stands in full solidarity with all the people affected by conflict.

WHO/Europe and EPHA Sign New MoU to Strengthen Collaboration for Better Health and Wellbeing in Europe

EPHA, as Europe’s leading NGO alliance advocating for better health for all, will work closely with WHO/Europe to address key health challenges and drive positive change.

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About us

EPHA advocates for better health in Europe! We bring together public health civil society organisations, including health professionals and patient and disease groups. Together with this unique and diverse membership, we are working to improve health and strengthen the voice of public health in Europe.

Our Policy Clusters

Healthy Environments

We advocate for the creation of environments that enable people to live healthy, flourishing lives and prevent non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

Healthcare Delivery

Working towards better and affordable medicines for all by improving the current pharmaceutical business model.


Equitable policies provide everyone with the opportunity to live a healthy and prosperous life. At EPHA, we advocate they leave no one behind. 

Health Systems and Economy

We advocate for sustained investments in health, supporting and reaffirming the vision of health as a value in itself and a precondition for economic prosperity.

Global Public Health

Through a multi-sectoral ‘One Health’ approach, this cluster aims to respond to cross-border health threats such as air pollution and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). 

Digital Transformation

Advocating for inclusive digital health policies, empowering citizens by improving their digital health literacy, and for ethical use of AI and patient health data. 

Politics and Health

This cluster focuses on policymaking processes at the European level, as well as (health) civil society involvement in these processes. 

View all

EPHA’s advocacy for better health in Europe spans a wide spectrum of public health topics, which are divided into thematic policy clusters. 

Our Events

June 13, 2024

The State of Women’s Health: Where do we Stand in the EU?

The high-level event on Women’s Health, organised by MEP Samira Rafaela, co-organised by EPHA and...

June 26, 2024

The Right to Health of People of African Descent: Part 2 of the Racism, Discrimination and Health Series

Racism and discrimination are fundamental determinants of health, profoundly affecting physical and mental well-being. They...

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